27 Jul 2010

Ewen Chia's 24 Hour Internet Business - User's Review

O.K. I've completed my review of Ewen Chia's 24 Hour Internet Business plan as I promised in my previous posts below. I watched and took notes on all 15 videos, all the while trying to put myself in the position of a complete beginner, or, someone totally frustrated with their online marketing experience, and perhaps about to give up. I believe this to be the audience that will benefit best from this product. So if you're a seasoned online campaigner, then this is not for you, you're probably following this model anyway.

And I also had to bear in mind that Ewen, in his website, positioned his product as helping those folks -- probably like yourself -- who are being pulled in all different directions at once, without a clear plan of action, which is holding back their success. In other words, the "24 Hour Internet Business" is supposed to be a clear business model and plan that will allow both newbies and frustrated online marketers to succeed in launching successful businesses in quick time.

But before I begin my review, let's see what I got for my $27...

In his 24 Hour Internet Business website, Ewen talks about 13 videos, but in fact there are 15 videos including 2 updates, which cover everything you need to start, and profit from, an online business:-
  1. An Introduction to Affiliate Marketing
  2. Keyword Research
  3. Domain Name and Hosting
  4. Creating Your Blog
  5. Blog Set Up
  6. Adding Content to Your Blog
  7. Set Up Your Autoresponder
  8. Get Your Blog Indexed by Google
  9. Blog Promotion - Article Marketing
  10. Blog Promotion - Video Marketing
  11. Blog Promotion - Yahoo Answers
  12. Blog Promotion - Google Adwords
  13. Conclusion
  14. Update - Autoblogging
  15. Update - Money Plugins
And, as well as the above videos, you have the many free bonuses described in my last post below, including e-books and videos. I've got a feeling that I've actually paid for the Video Marketing videos some time ago, so to get these free is a great bonus for you. I also quickly went over the bonus Article Marketing videos, and found them to be excellent too; article marketing being my favorite promotional technique.

Each video in both Video Marketing and Article Marketing video sets are just 3 or 4 minutes long, and easy viewing. I'm not going into detail about the free bonus material; suffice to say they are excellent and a great compliment to the main paid product. It could be argued that the bonus material alone is worth the $27!

Ewen Chia's 24 Hour Internet Business - My Review

First, the things I definitely liked...
  • Easy, safe and fast to purchase - get access in minutes.
  • Option to view videos in your members' area or to download to your PC / laptop.
  • Single focus on Affiliate marketing which is ideal for newbies and people struggling to get started.
  • Excellent quality free bonuses that compliment the main product.
  • Excellent quality videos - average 12 to 14 minutes each - not too long to get boring, and, no 'fluff'.
  • Easy to follow step-by-step process, i.e. 'do this, then do that.'
  • Uses 'look over my shoulder' technique so you can see exactly what to do as the presenter does them.
  • Covers everything you need; from finding a niche, to building your site, adding content, then making money - a total business model.
  • Shows how to easily add automated content and affiliate products to your new site, then leave it 'hands-free.'
  • I especially liked this, as you need as much automation as possible when running several websites as your business grows.
What I Did Not Like...
  • I would have preferred Ewen's voice in the videos (it's his product after all), but English is not his first language, so I guess he used a native English speaker because of that. Hey, maybe this is a plus not a minus?
  • Sometimes the form filling (you are shown how to register for various resources) can look daunting for a newbie, so this could have been explained a bit more.
  • Needed a bit more of an explanation into the 'why' of doing some things a certain way, e.g. why you need a 'list', or, the pro's and con's of using Google Adwords, etc.

I believe Ewen Chia's 24 Hour Internet Business product does what it sets out to do: it shows you -- newbies and frustrated online marketers alike -- how to build a simple profitable business, i.e. how to produce a fully functional website where you can make money using Affiliate Marketing, and, how to promote your website so that you can have plenty of targeted visitors ready to buy.

And by sticking to this simple, focused business model, you will be able to use your time much more effectively, and not suffer from the information overload and lack of direction that the vast majority of online marketers experience to their detriment. The beauty of this business model is that it is tried and tested, and all you do is just repeat the same process, for each new 'niche' you wish to conquer.

On the other hand, I do believe that one or two of the videos lacked some background information as to why a certain approach was taken. I believe that many folks like to know the 'why' as well as the 'how', especially newbies. I think that in his objective to cut out all the usual fluff, and, stick to the simple steps for success, Ewen may have gone slightly too far in a couple of cases.

However, overall, I truly believe that this is an excellent business model and plan for both newbies and existing marketers who are about to give up. It's simple to follow and simple to implement. And, if you follow those simple steps, you can have your business up and running in 24 hours. I wish I had had something like this when I first started out.

So, my recommendation? Yes, I would recommend Ewen Chia's 24 Hour Internet Business to newbies and those of you who have been frustrated and on the point of giving up. It's definitely worth the $27, even more so when you add-in the ton of free bonus materials as well. And, you get a full 60 day, 100% money back guarantee, which really makes it a truly risk-free investment.

To go straight to Ewen's website just click here.